Los centros escolares de entorno desfavorecido como comunidad de aprendizajeéxito educativo y mejora de la convivencia

Dirixida por:
  1. Isabel Martínez Sánchez Director
  2. Miguel Melendro Estefanía Director

Universidade de defensa: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 13 de decembro de 2019

  1. Xavier Úcar Martínez Presidente/a
  2. Marta Ruiz Corbella Secretaria
  3. Daniel González González Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The Learning Communities are a project that seeks to achieve educational success and living together improvement through the implementation of Successful Educational Actions. The purpose of this thesis is to assess the incidence of such actions on educational success and living together in schools located in disadvantaged environments that implement them, compared to other centers of similar characteristics that do not carry them out. To approach it conveniently, it is decided to carry out an ex post facto investigation in which two differentiated parts are distinguished. First, a part related to educational success, which has been addressed through the filtering and selection of documentary data from school institutions on academic performance and absenteeism. Second, a part referring to living together, studied through the "Questionnaire for the assessment of school climate" for students, families and teachers. These questionnaires have been adapted and validated for this research by expert judgment, which is one of the main contributions of this doctoral thesis. The study sample has been comprised of three educational centers of disadvantaged environment that implement Successful Educational Actions (Experimental Group) and by three similar centers that do not implement them (Control Group), as well as by the three layers that shape the educational community: students, families and teachers. The results obtained indicate that the general hypothesis, associated with the aforementioned objective, could not be confirmed since there is no statistical evidence to affirm that the implementation of Successful Educational Actions is the cause and necessarily produce an effect in the improvement of the educational success and living together. Thus, in reference to academic performance, the Experimental Group improves its academic results, although not in a significant way. Both groups decrease school failure, but, under any circumstances, no one can speak of a generalization of the maximum grade. The students of the Experimental Group have worsened the results in the diagnostic tests of the Conselleria de Educación. The results are better in terms of absenteeism, since the Experimental Group has reduced the lack of attendance at the school. The assessment of the school climate by the families of the Experimental Group is more positive and that of the students of both groups is similar but the teachers of the Control Group are more positive (without significant differences in any case, nor is there any references to the improvement of living together).