Conclusiones del II congreso de redes de innovación educativa. Entretod@s. Educar y trabajar en red.

  1. Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes
Revista Pedagógica ADAL

ISSN: 1575-2429

Any de publicació: 2010

Número: 20

Pàgines: 28-34

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista Pedagógica ADAL


Last December 2009, the 11th, 12th and 13th, was held in Cuenca, a congress sought to give new impulse to the Portal Innova, so that their collectives started to work more relevant and interrelated. From this perspective, Congress was based on the following question "How can networking help to improve educational conditions?". INNOVA Portal is a Web portal open to all sorts of networks, organizations and professional groups; innovation, pedagogical renewal or any other way aimed at improving education, trained teachers or by other agents involved in educational institutions and processes, such as parents, municipalities, social services, NGOs, etc..; of public, private or 'social', the national, regional or local, generalist or specialist, focused on teaching rules or other educational areas, specific academic areas or cross-cutting objectives, large or small, new or old. "