Generación eléctrica distribuida y aprovechamiento de los residuos de la industria del olivar

  1. Vera Cárdenas, David
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Jurado Melguizo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 04 April 2013

  1. José Carpio Ibáñez Chair
  2. Natividad Acero Marín Secretary
  3. Nikolaos Margaritis Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 363786 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


Gasification systems, not only does biomass close the carbon cycle, reduce CO2 emissions and represents an attractive issue for the olive oil producers and their associations to ensure more independence from centralized energy systems. The main objective of the thesis is to develop a model and simulation of three smallscale CHP gasification plants fuelled with olive oil industry residues. Thermodynamic calculations have been carried out in order to evaluate and compare the optimum performance parameters of each system. Also, in order to demonstrate the technology transfer of this work, a real prototype based on biomass gasifier and internal combustion engine has been installed in a Spanish olive oil mill. The power plant produces 70kWe and thermal power that could be used in olive oil extraction process. Finally, an economic feasibility has been presented for several points of views and country locations.