El modelo de los Cinco Grandes como predictor de la conducta agresiva en población infanto-juvenil

  1. Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Ángel
  2. Barrio Gándara, María Victoria del
Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica

ISSN: 1136-5420

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 12

Issue: 1

Pages: 23-32

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/RPPC.VOL.12.NUM.1.2007.4031 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica

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The current paper studies the relationship between the Five Factor Model of personality and physical and verbal aggression in a sample of 686 subjects (426 boys and 260 girls) in ages between 8 and 15. The results show that conscientiousness (especially in girls) and neuroticism (especially in boys) are the most relevant, although agreeableness and extraversion were also significant dimensions, espe-cially in verbal aggression. We discuss the need for considering different types of aggression and the convenience to study these relationships for boys and girls separately.

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