Adaptación española de la Escala Multiaxial de Afrontamiento Estratégico (SACS) de Hobfoll

  1. Pedrero Pérez, Eduardo José
  2. Santed Germán, Miguel Angel
  3. Pérez García, Ana María

ISSN: 0214-9915

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 24

Issue: 3

Pages: 455-460

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicothema

Sustainable development goals


The present research adapted the Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS), developed by Hobfoll and colleagues, to the Spanish population. SACS is an instrument derived from Hobfoll�s Conservation of Resources Theory, which emphasises the contribution of social factors to coping processes. This instrument assesses coping strategies in 9-subscales, organised in three dimensions: orientation to the problem (active/passive), use of social resources (prosocial/antisocial), and orientation to others involved (direct/indirect). The Spanish version, administered to a non-clinical sample (N= 767), found 7-subscales structured in prosocial/antisocial, active/passive and reflexive/intuitive dimensions, with adequate reliability and construct validity. To conclude, the Spanish SACS is a potentially useful and reliable instrument for research and clinical purposes, mainly in areas in which social components need to be explicitly considered.

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