Adaptación española de la Escala Multiaxial de Afrontamiento Estratégico (SACS) de Hobfoll
- Pedrero Pérez, Eduardo José
- Santed Germán, Miguel Angel
- Pérez García, Ana María
ISSN: 0214-9915
Year of publication: 2012
Volume: 24
Issue: 3
Pages: 455-460
Type: Article
More publications in: Psicothema
The present research adapted the Strategic Approach to Coping Scale (SACS), developed by Hobfoll and colleagues, to the Spanish population. SACS is an instrument derived from Hobfoll�s Conservation of Resources Theory, which emphasises the contribution of social factors to coping processes. This instrument assesses coping strategies in 9-subscales, organised in three dimensions: orientation to the problem (active/passive), use of social resources (prosocial/antisocial), and orientation to others involved (direct/indirect). The Spanish version, administered to a non-clinical sample (N= 767), found 7-subscales structured in prosocial/antisocial, active/passive and reflexive/intuitive dimensions, with adequate reliability and construct validity. To conclude, the Spanish SACS is a potentially useful and reliable instrument for research and clinical purposes, mainly in areas in which social components need to be explicitly considered.
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