Positividad y afrontamiento en pacientes con trastorno adaptativo

  1. Vallejo Sánchez, Beatriz
  2. Pérez García, Ana María
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 31

Issue: 2

Pages: 462-471

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de psicología

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Positivity construct refers to the propensity to think positively about oneself, life and the future, being closely related to wellbeing and health. Moreover, coping strategies used to manage stress have an im-portant role in the development of mental health problems, one of which is adjustment disorder (AD). The aim of this study was: Firstly, to analyze the differences in positivity, coping, and some relevant socio-demographic variables between the clini-cal (formed by patients with AD; N=57) and the control (N=66) groups; and secondly, to analyze whether these variables could predict, using binary logistic regression, the participants� membership to the clinical or the con-trol group. The clinical group showed less positivity and a greater use of disengage-ment strategies compared to the control group. Furthermore, the variables assessed were able to predict the clinical or control group membership with a 91% of success rate. The main risk factors to belong to the clinical group were the use of social support coping and disengagement strategies; where-as active employment status, the use of humor, positivity and younger age decreased this risk.

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