Cuestionario para la catalogación y selección de aplicaciones con tecnología Web 3.0 para Secundaria Obligatoria
- Guix i Pares, Elisabet
- Ruiz-Corbella, Marta
ISSN: 1135-9250
Year of publication: 2018
Issue Title: Núm. 66 (2018): Edutec Nº 66 - Diciembre 2018
Issue: 66
Pages: 61-76
Type: Article
More publications in: Edutec: Revista electrónica de tecnología educativa
We have included the design and validation of a questionnaire for cataloging and selecting applications with Web 3.0 technology for Compulsory Secondary Education, using a tool to select educational software developed by Marqués (2002). With the updated bibliographic review, this questionnaire was adapted to educational, functional and technological criteria 3.0. The questionnaire was evaluated using the Delphi method, and a team of 15 experts in educational technology and / or teachers of Compulsory Secondary Education. They agreed that it was necessary for the selection of educational application programs, and that the introduction of digital applications in the classroom was an urgent requirement. They stressed on the need to promote training on the new 3.0 competencies among teachers.
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