El pacto territorial en educaciónreflexiones a partir de la pandemia de Covid-19
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 2445-2440
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 5
Pages: 41-53
Type: Article
More publications in: Crónica: revista científico profesional de la pedagogía y psicopedagogía
The paper tackles the issue of territorial agreement in education, in the context of a more general reflection on educational agreements in Spain. It argues that the distribution of responsibilities set by the 1978 Constitution and the consequent Statutes of Autonomy depicts a basic territorial agree-ment, still valid and having been in force during the last forty years. The paper describes the main ele-ments of such an agreement, focusing on the tools designed to ensure an effective coordination in edu-cational matters between the State and the Autonomous Communities and among the last ones. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on those mechanisms for territorial coordination is later analyzed, describing several initiatives of territorial cooperation adopted and the reinforcement of the activities of the Conference of Education, integrated by the national minister and regional ministers of Education, during this period. Finally, some conclusions are driven from the experience had in addressing such ex-ceptional circumstances and some proposals for reinforcing territorial cooperation in accordance with a federalist approach are presented.