Estudio y diseño de estrategias de control para los recursos energéticos de una nanorred

  1. Ruiz Cortés, Mercedes
Supervised by:
  1. Eva González Romera Director
  2. Fermín Barrero González Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 07 July 2021

  1. José Carpio Ibáñez Chair
  2. Carlos Roncero Clemente Secretary
  3. Aurora del Rocío Gil de Castro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 667846 DIALNET


The concept of Smart Grid and its structure in nanogrids has become an emerging research topic from the point of view of grid configuration. A nanogrid can encompass a small community of consumers, and must have the ability to operate both isolated and connected to the main grid, without losing the reliability or the quality of the power supply provided to consumers. This PhD Thesis proposes the study of a nanogrid that operates in alternating current, composed of a small community of neighbors who have photovoltaic generation systems and battery-based energy storage systems. A hierarchical control strategy is developed for operation in islanded and grid-tied mode, which ranges from the coordinated management of the energy resources of the nanogrid to the internal control of the electronic power converters associated to distributed energy resources. Likewise, a grid synchronization method is incorporated to allow an adequate transition between both modes of operation. The proposed strategies have been validated by simulation, obtaining satisfactory results. Additionally, the use of the 3L-T-type qZSI topology has been explored for its future application in the converters of the energy resources of the nanogrid, carrying out experimental and simulation tests, and its integration in a grid-connected home has been studied.