“Giudaismo” e Augustus-Theologie nelle Historiae adversus paganos di Orosio

  1. Manzo, Elisa
Supervised by:
  1. Mar Marcos Director
  2. Luca Arcari Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria

Fecha de defensa: 24 September 2021

  1. Emanuela Prinzivalli Chair
  2. Mar Marcos Secretary
  3. Raúl González Salinero Committee member
  4. Clelia Martínez Maza Committee member
  5. Luca Arcari Committee member
  6. Alessandro Saggioro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 683834 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


“This doctoral thesis aims at analysing the Christian political theology of Orosius, who lived between the 4th and 5th centuries, focusing on the relations between “Judaism” (in its various historical-cultural declinations in a late antique world that is more complex and kaleidoscopic) and Augustus-Theologie within his historical work, the Historiae adversus paganos. On the one hand, Orosius approaches Jewish history closely in his work, always in the light of its correlations with Christian history and with a vision of universal history, culminating in the birth and affirmation of the Roman Empire. Therefore, also in Orosius (as in other ancient Christian authors) the relationship with Judaism has a twofold nature: complementarity and, at the same time, rivalry and rejection. On the other hand, the intuitions proposed by the German theologian Erik Peterson in a series of studies published in the 1930s are reformulated, precisely on the applicability of Augustus-Theologie to Orosius’s Historiae”.