Efectos de orden de presentación entre criterios de respuestas basados en relaciones de semejanza y de equivalencia-equivalencia
- García García, Andrés
- Gómez Bujedo, Jesús
- Pérez Fernández, Vicente J.
- Bohórquez Zayas, Cristóbal
- Gutiérrez Domínguez, María Teresa
ISSN: 1578-908X
Year of publication: 2003
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
Pages: 239-249
Type: Article
More publications in: Acción psicológica
This paper describes an experiment which shows how the arbitrary relationship of equivalence-equivalence can be blocked, and in turn to block, to a non arbitrary relationship as it is the physical similarity among stimuli, in function of the order of presentation of the answer criteria. It was carried out with University students. This equivalence-equivalence paradigm was proposed in this study as a model of human analogical reasoning in which the subjects respond (or not) according to the equivalence relationship between two complex stimuli. The results of this work are discussed from a double perspective: on the one hand, the study of those factors that can distort the achievement of complex behaviours based on the relationships among the antecedent stimuli; On the other hand, the extent of the basic competition phenomena already consolidated in the phenomena of classic and operant conditioning.
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