En clave jurídicaenseñar en entornos virtuales inmersivos
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
ISSN: 1989-8754
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 28
Pages: 33-42
Type: Article
More publications in: REJIE: Revista Jurídica de Investigación e Innovación Educativa
It is an incontestable fact that the pandemic has accelerated the process of digitization in higher education. The online teaching model has matured and become more sophisticated. Today, hybrid teaching - that which combines face-to-face teaching with distance learning - is a widespread reality. Some academic institutions are even already immersed in a liquid learning model, which allows the change of formats immediately. In this environment, the Metaverse makes its way, a set of platforms that make up immersive virtual environments and that represent the evolution of the Internet. Although it is still a distant reality, its implementation will introduce enormous possibilities in all sectors of activity by connecting the physical and virtual worlds. In this article, the main legal challenges that the establishment of immersive learning 4.0 entails are uncovered, in a prospective key.
Bibliographic References
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