Benefits of the Use of Participatory Tools to Support Students’ Curricular Learning4 Case Studies
- Amiama, Jose F.
- Sanahuja , Aida
- Mata-Benito, Patricia
- Castillo Reche, Irina Sherezade
- Escarbajal Frutos, Andrés (coord.)
ISSN: 1989-0397
Year of publication: 2023
Issue Title: Evaluación de Prácticas en Educación Inclusiva
Volume: 16
Issue: 1
Pages: 67-84
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa
This work is part of a project financed by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) in which researchers from four Spanish universities accompany four Primary schools to problematize, change and improve their curricular practices. This work considers if the own participation in these democratic and inclusive processes enhances the student’s willingness to learning through IAP's own tools. It is a multiple case study, articulated through 4 cases. The study was carried out in schools in the following Spanish regions: Murcia (C1), Valencia (C2), Madrid (C3) and the Basque Country (C4). The selected schools were immersed in a participatory action research process. After a brief presentation of the process, the participatory tools used on different occasions by teachers, students, families and social agents, within the participatory action research process, are presented. From this triangulation of tools and participants, the positive impact of the use of these qualitative and participatory tools in the teaching-learning processes of the students is observed. The results focus on satisfaction with the PAR methodology and how it promotes the learning of curricular content.
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