LyricSIMUn nuevo dataset y benchmark para la detección de similitud en letras de canciones en español
- Benito-Santos, Alejandro
- Ghajari, Adrián
- Hernández, Pedro
- Fresno Fernández, Víctor
- Ros, Salvador
- González-Blanco García, Elena
ISSN: 1135-5948
Ano de publicación: 2023
Número: 71
Páxinas: 149-163
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural
In this paper, we present a new dataset and benchmark tailored to the task of semantic similarity in song lyrics. Our dataset, originally consisting of 2775 pairs of Spanish songs, was annotated in a collective annotation experiment by 63 native annotators. After collecting and refining the data to ensure a high degree of consensus and data integrity, we obtained 676 high-quality annotated pairs that were used to evaluate the performance of various state-of-the-art monolingual and multilingual language models. Consequently, we established baseline results that we hope will be useful to the community in all future academic and industrial applications conducted in this context.
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