Publications dans lesquelles il/elle collabore avec Nourdine Aliane (5)


  1. An Interactive Tool for Servo Systems Learning

    MATLAB - A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications - Volume 3 (IntechOpen)

  2. Practical Experiences on Building Structured Remote and Virtual Laboratories from the Student's Point of View

    2012 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)

  3. Practical experiences on building structured remote and virtual laboratories from the student's point of view

    Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE

  4. Structured remote laboratory development

    Proceedings - 2012 Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching, TAEE 2012


  1. Limitations of Remote Laboratories in Control Engineering Education

    International Journal of Online and Biomedical Engineering (iJOE), Vol. 6, Núm. 1, pp. 31