Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Sebastián Dormido Bencomo (14)


  1. A Study of Strategies for Developing Online Laboratories

    IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 14, Núm. 6, pp. 777-787


  1. A new architecture for the design of virtual/remote labs: The coupled drives system as a case of study

    IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA


  1. Online Virtual Control Laboratory of Mobile Robots

    IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 51, Núm. 4, pp. 316-321

  2. Open-Source Hardware in Education: A Systematic Mapping Study

    IEEE Access, Vol. 6, pp. 72094-72103


  1. An open software - open hardware lab of the air levitation system

    IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 50, Núm. 1, pp. 9168-9173

  2. Low cost air invitation remote lab

    Proceedings of 2017 4th Experiment at International Conference: Online Experimentation, 2017


  1. A new Model for a Remote Connection with Hardware Devices using Javascript

    IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 49, Núm. 6, pp. 133-137

  2. A new model for a remote connection with hardware devices using Javascript

    Proceedings of 2016 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, REV 2016

  3. Un nuevo modelo para la conexión remota con hardware usando Javascript

    Actas de las XXXVII Jornadas de Automática: Madrid. 7, 8 y 9 de septiembre de 2016