Communications dans un congrès (13) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. A posteriori error estimator and indicator in generalized finite differences. Application to improve the approximated solution of elliptic PDEs

    International Journal of Computer Mathematics

  2. Adaptación de la normalización de MCIA para su aplicación en las enseñanzas técnicas universitarias en el marco del EEES

    Libro de Resúmenes: XVI Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Cádiz, 23 al 26 de de Septiembre 2008

  3. An empirical relationship between cutting forces and length in dry drilling in aluminium alloys

    Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium

  4. Analysis of hot forward extrusion through square dies by upper bound method

    9th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity, ICTP 2008

  5. Evaluation of forces in indentation processes considering geometric parameters of the workpiece

    Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium

  6. First approach to the analysis of the surface roughness obtained during the dry turning of the UNS A97050-T7 aluminium alloy

    Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium

  7. Influence of cutting conditions and tool coatings on the surface finish of workpieces of magnesium obtained by dry turning

    Annals of DAAAM and Proceedings of the International DAAAM Symposium

  8. Influence of the geometry of the workpiece on contact pressures in frictionless indentation processes

    ESM 2008 - 2008 European Simulation and Modelling Conference: Modelling and Simulation 2008

  9. Mechanical solutions for hot forward extrusion under plane strain conditions by upper bound method

    Key Engineering Materials

  10. Pseudo-spectral/finite-difference adaptive method for spherical shallow-water equations

    International Journal of Computer Mathematics

  11. Sistema asistido por ordenador para la enseñanza del mecanizado con control numérico

    Libro de Resúmenes: XVI Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa en las Enseñanzas Técnicas Cádiz, 23 al 26 de de Septiembre 2008

  12. Strain analysis for different shape factors in indentation processes

    IMETI 2008 - International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation, Proceedings

  13. Tutorial multimedia para el estudio de la representación de ángulos y poliedros en el Sistema Diédrico

    XX Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Gráfica (INGEGRAF)