Argitalpenak (32) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. A note on the application of the generalized finite difference method to seismic wave propagation in 2D

    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  2. A simplified model for assessing the work-hardening effect in the analysis of plate drawing processes by upper bound method

    Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 134, Núm. 2

  3. Adaptive model to apply the upper-bound theorem in plain strain forging

    Applied Mechanics and Materials

  4. An alternative method to achieve metrological confirmation in measurement process

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  5. Analysis comparative of different simulation techniques by the finite element method in the study of an open die forging process

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  6. Analysis of cutting forces during dry turning processes of UNS A92024-T3 aluminium bars

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  7. Analysis of cutting forces during dry turning processes of UNS A92024-T3 aluminium bars

    Advanced Materials Research

  8. Analysis of main optimization techniques in predicting surface roughness in metal cutting processes

    Applied Mechanics and Materials

  9. Analysis of technological factors in open die forging by comparison of different analysis methods

    Advanced Materials Research

  10. Analytical procedure for geometrical evaluation of flat surfaces formed by multiple indentation processes

    Applied Mechanics and Materials

  11. Application of different simulation strategies for the analysis of multi-stroke localised-incremental forging operations

    Materials Science Forum

  12. Cold formed S250GD+Z steel cross section profile for timber upgrading

    Steel Research International

  13. Efficient optimisation of machining processes based on technical specifications for surface roughness: Application to magnesium pieces in the aerospace industry

    International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 60, Núm. 9-12, pp. 1237-1246

  14. Energetic analysis of tube drawing processes by the upper bound method using theoretical work-hardening materials

    Steel Research International

  15. Finite element analysis of the combined effect of strain hardening and friction in elementary processes of forging

    Applied Mechanics and Materials

  16. Fundamentos de topografía

    Asociación de Ingeniería y Diseño Asistido

  17. Implementation in CHIMERE of a conservative solver for the advection equation-cmmse10

    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  18. Improvement of the mechanical properties of formed steel cross section profile for timber upgrading

    Advanced Materials Research

  19. Inserts selection based on the chips morphology for dry turning of the UNSA97050-T7 aluminium alloy

    Advanced Science Letters, Vol. 15, Núm. 1, pp. 70-77

  20. Inserts selection for intermittent turning of magnesium pieces

    Applied Mechanics and Materials