Artikel (7) Publikationen, an denen Forscher/innen teilgenommen haben


  1. Chain Rules for a Proper ε-Subdifferential of Vector Mappings

    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol. 167, Núm. 2, pp. 502-526

  2. Global convergence of the second order Ricker equation

    Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 47, pp. 47-53

  3. Impact of dispersal on the total population size, constancy and persistence of two-patch spatially-separated populations

    Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, Vol. 10, Núm. 2, pp. 45-55

  4. Preservation of p-poincarÉ inequality for large p under sphericalization and flattening

    Illinois Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 59, Núm. 4, pp. 1043-1069

  5. Rectifiability of Self-Contracted Curves in the Euclidean Space and Applications

    Journal of Geometric Analysis, Vol. 25, Núm. 2, pp. 1211-1239

  6. Stabilization with target oriented control for higher order difference equations

    Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, Vol. 379, Núm. 16-17, pp. 1102-1109

  7. To connect or not to connect isolated patches

    Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 370, pp. 72-80