Aportaciones congreso (16) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A new method for single-step robust post-processing of flow color Doppler M-mode images using support vector machines

    Computers in Cardiology

  2. Análisis de la insolación directa potencial como factor de degradación de los conjuntos pictóricos ruprestres de Villar del Humo: (Cuenca)

    Geomorfología y territorio: actas de la IX Reunión Nacional de Geomorfología, Santiago de Compostela, 13-15 de septiembre de 2006

  3. Biografía de Dalton y sus implicaciones didácticas

    Educación científica. Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y sostenibilidad: [archivo de ordenador]. Zaragoza, 13-16 septiembre 2006

  4. Calculus of variations and field theory on graded fiber bundles

    XIV Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics : Bilbao, Spain, september 14-16, 2005

  5. Cardiac motion analysis from cine MR sequences using non-rigid registration techniques

    Computers in Cardiology

  6. Confinement effects of cyclodextrin on the photodynamics of few selected systems

    Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry

  7. Decision analysis with influence diagrams using Elvira's explanation facilities

    Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, PGM 2006

  8. Estimation of cardiac motion using magnetic resonance imaging

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  9. Experimental and theoretical study of lanthanide complexes based on linear and macrocyclic polyaminopolycarboxylic acids containing pyrazolylethyl arms


  10. Fully automatic cardiac motion estimation from tagged MRI using non-rigid registration techniques

    Computers in Cardiology

  11. Improved storage capacity of hebbian learning attractor neural network with bump formations

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  12. Introduction to Raman microscopy of prehistoric rock paintings from the Sierra de las Cuerdas, Cuenca, Spain

    Journal of Raman Spectroscopy

  13. Multi-scale simulation of the conformation and dynamics of dendrimeric macromolecules

    Macromolecular Symposia

  14. Respiratory gated SPAMM sequence for magnetic resonance cardiac tagging

    Computers in Cardiology

  15. Superhydrophobic nanowire surfaces for drop movement using magnetic fields

    2006 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show - NSTI Nanotech 2006 Technical Proceedings

  16. Theoretical study of CO adsorption on Au/alumina substrates

    Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science