Argitalpenak (27) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. A Novel Methodology to Capture Anisotropy in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Case Study with Stress Anisotropy

    Society of Petroleum Engineers - ADIPEC, ADIP 2023

  2. A Novel Methodology to Capture Anisotropy in Unconventional Reservoirs: Theory and Methodology

    Society of Petroleum Engineers - ADIPEC, ADIP 2023

  3. A new styracosternan-bearing assemblage from the Arcillas de Morella Formation in Morella (Spain)

    20th EAVP Conference

  4. Ab initio characterization of the polyvinylidene difluoride phases and their interaction with Carbon Nanotubes

    1st Iberian Symposium on Functional Organic Polymers

  5. An aberrant, double-layered, fusioolithid titanosaur eggshell from the Poyos fossil site (late Campanian-early Maastrichtian, Guadalajara, Spain)


  6. Aproximación teórico-experimental al P(VDF) y sus copolímeros

    Jornada de Apertura de la Unidad Mixta UNED-CSIC de Nanoestructura de la Materia (NANOESMAT)

  7. Assessing the distribution of the Campanian-Maastrichtian oological record associated to titanosaur sauropods

    XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología


    Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement

  9. Can quantum effects overdrive a direct ultrafast photodissociation reaction?

    XIV Conference of Young Researchers in Atomic and Molecular Physics (J2IFAM)

  10. Catalizadores basados en cobre para la valorización del acetileno

    SECAT 2023

  11. Decoupling of diversity and disparity in eusuchians (Crocodyliformes, Eusuchia) across the Cretaceous-Paleogene

    20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Vertebrate Palaeontologists

  12. El patrimonio paleontológico de la cantera del Mas de la Parreta (Cretácico Inferior. Morella, Castellón)

    XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología

  13. From PVDF polymer to PVDF-TrFE copolymer: an ab initio characterization of the evolution of their most interesting properties

    Young Polymer Scientists Seminar (7th. 2023. Madrid) (SEJIPOL 2023)

  14. Graphene oxide pegylated as antimicrobial against skin infections

    nanoBioMed 2023

  15. Icnodiversidad sobre restos de dinosaurios saurópodos del Cretácico Superior de Lo Hueco (Fuentes, Cuenca)

    XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología

  16. La imagen de los dinosaurios y otras criaturas del pasado durante la España franquista a través de los tebeos

    XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología

  17. Mechanochemical generation of acid surface sites at the interface TiO2/graphite: application for the dehydration of formic acid

    EUROPACAT 2023

  18. On the presence of Asiatosuchus (Crocodyloidea, Eusuchia) in the Duero Basin (Middle Eocene, Spain)

    XXXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología

  19. On-Line Rotor Ground Fault Location Method for Brushless Synchronous Machines

    IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

  20. The Restricted Boltzmann Machine Ansatz through Adiabiatic Routes

    Journal of Physics: Conference Series