Entanglement and correlations in quantum many-body systems

Supervised by:
  1. Juan José García Ripoll Director
  2. David Perez García Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 25 January 2017

  1. Ignacio Villanueva Díez Chair
  2. Sofyan Iblisdir Secretary
  3. Javier Rodríguez Laguna Committee member
  4. Diego Porras Torre Committee member
  5. María del Carmen Bañuls Polo Committee member

Type: Thesis


The study of quantum many-body systems poses a wide range of complex problemsin dierent areas of physics and mathematics, such as condensed matter,quantum information theory, operator theory or numerical analysis. Some ofthese problems arise due to the high complexity of these systems, which makestheir study unfeasible using classical approaches, as well as from the ever-growinginterest in understanding their dynamics, physical properties and behaviour bothin and out of equilibrium. Among the most interesting properties of these systemslies entanglement, a certain type of quantum correlation which is not present inclassical systems and which has proven to be essential for quantum computationand quantum information.This dissertation deals with the study of correlations, locality and entanglementin quantum systems. It relies on mathematical tools such as tensor networkrepresentations, Lieb-Robinson bounds and quantum algorithms in order to obtainoriginal results, both analytical and numerical, with practical applicationsto quantum information theory, condensed matter and quantum metrology...