Políticas de seguridad ciudadana en administraciones públicas descentralizadasBogotá y Madrid, un estudio comparado (2004-2014)

  1. Mesías García, Liliana Maribel
Dirigée par:
  1. Óscar Jaime Jiménez Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 avril 2017

  1. María Esther del Campo García President
  2. José Manuel Ruano de la Fuente Secrétaire
  3. Diego Torrente Robles Rapporteur
  4. Isabel Bazaga Fernández Rapporteur
  5. José Manuel Rábade Roca Rapporteur

Type: Thèses


Is there any relationship between decentralized administrative structures, decision-making processes on public policies on citizen security and more effective treatment of problems in the sector? One of the challenges of this work is to try to answer that question in two different contexts: Colombia, a country that has made race the hypothesis that decentralization (mainly in towns and small cities) intensified armed conflict. And Spain, which is very interesting for its tripartite police structure and low level of objective insecurity, although not common to find that relationship explicitly in the literature.From an overall perspective, as it will be seen in the development of this work, there are several reasons presented in each context to be considered and rhetorically speaking, decentralization as a governance structure that generates greater legitimacy in democratic, multicultural countries and spacious territorial extensions. However, the differences in the outcomes of implementation in each country make it necessary to analyze more closely these developments. Specifically, in the area of public safety, we need to deepen into the issue beyond simplified reflections from which decentralization is associated with notions of proximity policing and citizen participation..