La inserción laboral de las personas con discapacidad mental

Supervised by:
  1. Yolanda Sánchez-Urán Azaña Director
  2. Juan Gil Plana Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 19 November 2015

  1. Joaquín García Murcia Chair
  2. Rosario Cristóbal Roncero Secretary
  3. Carolina San Martín Mazzucconi Committee member
  4. Miguel A. Cabra de Luna Committee member
  5. Belén Alonso-Olea García Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present work turns on the juridical-labor measures and of social protection necessary to obtain the effective labor insertion of the persons with mental disability. With this term we refer to the persons who suffer a serious and persistent mental disorder. This expression we understand that it is the one that more adjusts to the terminology of the Convention of the UNO of Laws of the Persons with Disability and, for this reason, we plead because it spreads. The statistics of labor incorporation of this group are very worrying: Scarcely 5 % manages to support a regular working place, more than 80 % does not have employment and the rate of activity in December 2014 is only 31%, forty six points less than the population without disability. In total it thinks that a today 9 % of the Spanish population suffers a mental disorder, between 1 and 2 persons of every thousand it suffers a serious mental illness and the World Health Organization considers to be the problems of mental health one of the serious threats for the increase of the persons with disability in the world. Nowadays, the set of the social expense to face to this group of pathologies (Including medical, pharmacological treatments, public presentations, etc.) it represents between three and one four per cent of the Gross Domestic Product. It is demonstrated that the labor insertion is a factor that it improves to develop of the disease and to reduce the hospitable income for what this topic performs a social and economic importance of the first order. In the memory that one presents the necessary supports have been studied from the juridical-labor area and of social protection to achieve the labor insertion of the group with the exception of the measures and economic subsidies because these have demonstrated to be absolutely insufficient to achieve this aim, given the rates of employment of the persons with mental disability before alluded...