Costes no sanitarios ocasionados por las enfermedades isquémicas del corazón en España

  1. Lobo Aleu, José Félix
  2. Oliva Moreno, Juan
  3. López Bastida, Julio
  4. Duque-González, B.
  5. Osuna Guerrero, Rubén
Cuadernos económicos de ICE

ISSN: 0210-2633

Year of publication: 2004

Issue: 67

Pages: 263-298

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos económicos de ICE


In addition to the costs of treatment and prevention, diseases generate other types of costs that are not always addressed. The purpose of the present paper is to identify, measure and evaluate some of the latter costs in con-nection with one of the most deadly diseases in Spain, coronary heart disease. Firstly, the indirect costs (productivity losses) occasioned by this disease are estimated using both the human capital and friction costs approaches. Secondly, the costs of providing care for people with heart disease-related disabilities are computed. Finally, the usefulness and limitations of cost-of-illness studies are discussed.