Eficacia de un programa de estimulación de recuerdos emocionales positivos en adultos mayores del medio rural
- Sánchez-Cabaco, Antonio
- Fernández-Mateos, Luz María
- Crespo-León, Antonio
- Schade, Nieves
ISSN: 1390-9592
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Pages: 20-35
Type: Article
More publications in: CienciAmérica: Revista de divulgación científica de la Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica
INTRODUCTION The need to tackle the challenges of population aging is a task that requires the implementation of innovations and adaptations for specific populations in the contexts in which the elderly live. This paper attempts to respond to the particular needs of the elderly in rural areas in residential areas. OBJECTIVE To test the efficiency of an active aging program that favors positive autobiographical memory and emotional well-being. METHOD The participants were 15 senior citizens belonging to 2 rural residences, the design was quasi-experimental, with pre and post intervention measures, without control group RESULTS It was found that the program improves the emotional state, causes an increase in happiness and cognition effective DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS. The derived conclusions allow to be optimistic regarding the effectiveness of this type of interventions and limitations and alternatives for future studies are discussed.
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