Representaciones de la ciudadanía en los servicios públicosreconocimiento, mérito y autonomía
- Martín Pérez, Alberto
- Martín Coppola, Eva
- Gentile, Alessandro
- Gutiérrez Sastre, Marta
ISSN: 0210-5233
Datum der Publikation: 2012
Nummer: 139
Seiten: 189-200
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: REIS: Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas
Considering the variables of nationality, generation and social class, the article analyzes representations of citizenship within the sphere of public services. By combining three logics ? that of recognition, that of autonomy and that of merit ?, discourses break the essence of the classical notion of citizenship by modulating different accounts of practices and experiences regarding what it means to be a citizen. Through the analysis of the discourses produced from different social conditions in focus groups, it is possible to understand the main elements of value associated with the concept of citizenship. The progress of strategies t hat reward individual merit supersedes the logic of universal recognition, with important effects on the most vulnerable groups.
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