Las perplejidades de América. Itinerarios de la modernidad y subalternidad en Venezuela

  1. Guevara Riera, María Fernanda
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Bernat Riutort Serra Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 07 von Juli von 2016

  1. María Xosé Agra Romero Präsident/in
  2. Lucrecia Paz Burges Cruz Sekretär/in
  3. Juan García-Morán Escobedo Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The provisional, partial, limited solution, contingent to continue cultivating the human and social disciplines have with perspectivism outlined as a starting point to build our "itinerant perspective." With the analysis, and critical understanding of the status totality of Luckas we have opened a space for the possibility of a perspectival reading of modernity and subaltern in Latin America, specifically Venezuela. We have argued in the body of work that the category of all luckasian stamps does not produce a narrative of Latin America to itself productive, creative and liberating their hopeful and promising potential and therefore "better" than past. We dedicate the first chapter to the concept of totality. So that we conclude that this category achieved on the entire operation could Luckas aside the Marxist method when it comes to understanding Latin America, specifically Venezuela. Chapter two we have entitled Detotalization. We contribute to "shake the board" with a reading of all enriched by the "theory of mediations" Sartrian and thus advocate a "detotalized totality", introducing a new game for the self-understanding of Latin America. Through Sartre, the third chapter we have called itinerant perspective. Explained our itinerant critical Perspectivism that although part of Nietzsche criticizes him back and opens to a solidarity pragmatism of Rorty with some reasons based not on a last and indisputable basis, but in the "last words" that are held in the contingency a solidarity whose base is a diffuse sensitivity by modernity. With Rorty and Nietzsche head to perform a critique of the notion of truth. From heterótopo Perspectivism, resulting category is a map-all sense that helps us orient ourselves in the discussion between modernity and subaltern in Latin America, specifically Venezuela. We emphasize that our traveling Perspectivism can not occur without the "linguistic turn" operated by Nietzsche, Heidegger's hermeneutics, Gadamer, Ricoeur and analytical and hermeneutics fusion achieved by Rorty. We set out, then, that the scope of rhetoric is not the level of violence rather is the "implant" sense, where reception conditions that are committed to co-sense need for persuasion there. Rhetoric as a weapon against excessive use of the concept, as "theory of dialogue" as anti-philosophy, as argued opinions, refined views via the resemantization of the word. The conclusions as subsequent research guidelines we have argued that the "itinerant perspective" dwelling uncertainty, bad weather, is "ironic". The ironist that holds is one who can take away from those truths that one day he loved. The ironist commitment to free and open debate, maintains permanent doubts about the "last lexicon" that enunciate because it is known to many lexicons; the arguments that embodies not consolidate or eliminate those doubts, rather they are a way to deal with the "old" with "new". It is a bottomless lexicon but not found incapable of recognizing the contingency and a world order according to their preferences. Preferences are delineated from an "ironist modernity" while writing ability to become senses with maps that guide "best" and make the imagination its main resource. "Itinerant Perspective" : Heteronoma , criticism, mediated levels of childhood , human relations and all subsequent disciplines ; rhetoric and translator ; It is a populated word spread , contingent and solidarity ; you agree with the "theory" without seeing in it opposed to "practice" ; by its own specificity it is not Eurocentric ; its ultimate goal is to achieve modernity of subservience - and - Subalternity of modernity ; It sets out its reasons for perplexity.