Tácticas de socialización organizacional y estrés de rol durante la primera experiencia laboral

  1. Ripoll Botella, Pilar
  2. Osca Segovia, Amparo
  3. Palací Descals, Francisco José
Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology

ISSN: 1576-5962

Year of publication: 1995

Volume: 11

Issue: 30

Pages: 35-48

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de psicología del trabajo y de las organizaciones = Journal of work and organizational psychology


Socialization tactics are means of organizing the experiences of individuals joining an organization or making the transition from one role to another, and, at the same time, represent a set of events which aim. to influence the behaviour of such individuals (Van Maanen and Schein, 1979). Van Maanen and Schein (1979) identified six dimensions to organizational socialization tactics. Two of the six tactics identified by Van Maarten y Schein was assessed in this study; the two scales are the "serial vs disjunctive" and the "fixed vs variable" scales. In serial processes, experienced members of the organization act as a model for inexperienced employees. On the other hand, new members do not ' have access to experienced members when the process is disjunctive. The periods of time associated with each stage through which the new employee must pass are clearly defined when tactics are fixed, whereas no clear indication to this effect is given when tactics are variable. In this paper, we intend to analyse the relations of fixed, serial, disjunctive and variable tactics with role conflict and role ambiguity over the first two years after starting fulltime work. The results are consistent with the established hypothesis. At same time the relationships between the tactics and the role conflict and rol ambiguity are stronger in the first period of organizational entry than one year later.

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