Los problemas de conducta exteriorizados e interiorizados en la adolescenciarelaciones con los hábitos de crianza y con el temperamento
- Tur Porcar, Ana María
- Mestre Escrivá, María Vicenta
- Barrio Gándara, María Victoria del
ISSN: 1578-908X
Año de publicación: 2004
Volumen: 3
Número: 3
Páginas: 207-221
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Acción psicológica
The research used a sample of 531 teenagers whose ages ranged from 12 to 16, who represent the general population. The aim was to analyze the relation between teenagers� conduct problems and some social and family environmental variables such as family structure, social class and parents� educational styles. Likewise, the impact of personality structure as well as upbringing on the manifestation of children�s behaviour problems were also analyzed. The results show that externalising and internalising problem behaviours are highly related to upbringing, mainly, to the following factors Discipline, Support and Autonomy. Social class and family structure are also connected with antisocial behaviours.
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