Análisis diacrónico de la percepción del estudiantado sobre la Sociedad de la Información con software social
- Vázquez Cano, Esteban
- López Meneses, Eloy
- Fernández Márquez, Esther
ISSN: 1699-3748
Ano de publicación: 2016
Título do exemplar: Octubre
Número: 34
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Revista DIM: Didáctica, Innovación y Multimedia
This diachronic study describes an innovative college experience based on the development of word clouds with the aim of analyzing the students’ perception about the most important features of the Society of Information. These words clouds were created by students of the subject: “Information and communication technology” of the Social Education Degree at the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville). The initial college experience was part of the project: "Teaching Training in Cloud Computing: Digital skills, teaching strategies and e-activities with Web 2.0 technology in the EHEA" under Action 2 Projects of Teaching Innovation and Development funded by Vice Chancellor of Teaching and European Convergence. Through a quantitative and descriptive methodology, 138 students’ contributions were analyzed and, among the conclusions, we can infer that students enrolled in 2011 / 2012 thought that society is characterized by a marked improvement of communication (72.73%), with a high incidence on the social aspect of globalization (50%) anduniversality (13.64%). They also express greater availability of information (38.64%) and accessibility (11.36%) with more speed and immediacy (32.95%), but, on the other hand, they indicate a communication saturation (11.36%). It is also remarkable that students are favored with aspects of creativity and innovation (14.77%). Finally, they point out the significant increase and proliferation of advertising (10.23%). However, students from 2014-15 emphasize the concept of technology (74%), also indicating an increased globalization (60%) and communication (52%). Students also give more importance to innovation as a key element of this Digital Society (34%), appearing the crisis covering two concepts: economic and people dehumanization (32%) and inequality related with the emergence of digital and cognitive gaps (28%). Finally, comparing the changing perceptions of the students, we could emphasize those concepts that are still maintained, such as communication and globalization, and further changing the rest of conceptions.
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