La imagen de los países a través de una didáctica digital ubicuaun estudio de caso con México
- Esteban Vázquez Cano
- Eloy López Meneses
- José Manuel Sáez López
ISSN: 1405-6666
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 21
Issue: 68
Pages: 17-44
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista mexicana de investigación educativa
A country's image is formed by multiple sociocultural, historical, and political aspects and is perceived from the outside primarily through the media-and now primarily the Internet. This study analyzes, by means of qualitative methodology in conjunction with Social Network Analysis, a case study in which professors and students in Spain used smartphones and mobile applications to discover and discuss sociocultural, historical, and geographical aspects of Mexico. The results show that Mexico's image among Spain's secondary students has become substantially enriched and that pre-established topics have been abandoned; without doubt the outcome has been a more real, complete, interesting, and critical image of Mexico.
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