La influencia de las nuevas tecnologías en las industrias de la culturaretos y oportunidades para Europa

  1. González Sánchez, Víctor M.
  2. Ríos Sastre, Susana de los
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Datum der Publikation: 2013

Titel der Ausgabe: El impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en las industrias de la cultura

Nummer: 389

Seiten: 41-50

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Economía industrial


New technologies, especially the development of the Internet, have created a broad range of opportunities for the cultural industries. This article reviews some aspects that show the influence of technology in the European cultural sector, such as the digitization of cultural heritage and the changes experienced in cultural participation. In Europe, the cultural sector advances in the adoption of information and communication technologies, pushed sometimes by the evolution of the knowledge society, but there are outstanding challenges that would help make better use of the economic and social potential of this sector.

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