El valor añadido del aula de la experiencia de la Universidad de Sevilla hacia sus alumnas desde la perpectiva del profesorado

  1. Sianes Bautista, Alicia
  2. Llorent Vaquero, Mercedes
Mujeres e Investigación. Aportaciones interdisciplinares: VI Congreso Universitario Internacional "Investigación y Género". Sevilla, 30 de junio y 1 de julio de 2016
  1. García-Gil, Carmen (coord.)
  2. Flecha García, Consuelo (coord.)
  3. Cala Carrillo, María Jesús (coord.)
  4. Núñez Gil, Marina (coord.)
  5. Guil Bozal, Ana (coord.)

Publisher: SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres) ; Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-944737-9-1

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 710-719

Type: Book chapter


The Classroom of Experience at the University of Sevilla constitutes an interdisciplinary curriculum aimed to promote science and culture in adults older than 50 years and their social participation. We have started from the objective of knowing the situation of female students at the Classroom of Experience from the perspective of the professorship which are teaching there. Methodologically a questionnaire has been prepared, which has been filled up by the teaching staff, and composed by a total of 12 items in which it has been pretended to obtain information about if the Classroom of Experience facilitates these women the access to education, the social relations, the associativity and the participation, if it foments the cohabitation and tolerance, the individual and group implication of the students, etc. from their perspective. In the results we verify the majority of professorship esteem this program promotes the improvement of the sociocultural and educational situation of women older 50 years old women in our context. We finally conclude affirming that, the Classroom of Experience constitutes an undoubtedly source of social, cultural and educational benefits in favour of achieving a gender improvement for this collective.