Consideraciones sobre conducta infantil y confinamiento en la crisis por COVID-19 desde la perspectiva funcional del Análisis Conductual y ACT

  1. Alonso Sanz, Ángel
  2. A.
  3. B.
International journal of psychology and psychological therapy

ISSN: 1577-7057

Any de publicació: 2020

Volum: 20

Número: 2

Pàgines: 115-129

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: International journal of psychology and psychological therapy


Considerations on Children’s Behavior and Confinement in COVID-19 Crisis from the Functional Perspective of Behavioral Analysis and ACT. COVID-19 confinement situation imposed to the population by the public health reasons causes a considerable reordering of daily habits in families with children. Parent-child interactions might crease and, accordingly, the opportunities to strengthen adaptive behavioral dynamics between the child and their parents and other family members. If this is not the case, problematic behavior increases and, in the context of confinement conditions, the probability of COVID-19 might also infection. Functional Analysis of Behavior is a key reference to shape child’behavior and in the same functional root, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is proving to be useful to build psychological flexibility in many arenas beyond the clinical one where it accumulates remarkable evidence. One of this arenas points to building flexible behavioral patterns in children both in educational and family contexts. The present work aims to apply the ACT model for managing the child’s behavior and for improving psychological flexibility during family interactions in the context of following the instructions to reduce virus infection. How to cite this paper: Alonso-Sanz A, Barbero-Rubio A & Gil-Luciano B (2020). Consideraciones sobre conducta infantil y confinamiento en la crisis por COVID-19 desde la perspectiva funcional del Análisis Conductual y ACT. International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, 20, 2, 115-129.

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