Emplazamientos eólicos en la provincia de Chimborazo aplicando modelos matemáticos

  1. Enriquez García, Lorenzo Alfredo
Dirixida por:
  1. Antonio Colmenar Santos Director

Universidade de defensa: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 17 de decembro de 2015

  1. Emilio Menéndez Pérez Presidente/a
  2. Francisco Mur Pérez Secretario
  3. David Borge Diez Vogal

Tipo: Tese


For any country is vital to provide access to electrical power system to all elements of society, as this allows to carry on the industrial, commercial and residential. Further requires that the electric service is guaranteed in the medium and long term. A suitable mechanism has been demonstrated in practice, is the recognition of the generation capacity of a unit connected to the system, this mechanism is known in Ecuador as "Payment Power". Whether the state or investors who take the decision to invest in technology generation. We must consider the interests of different actors in order to achieve overall economic efficiency. Based on the statement above, it looks reasonable to analyze this issue a doctoral thesis, which is nothing more than a research paper on the proposal of the Wind locations, for the Province of Chimborazo-Ecuador applying mathematical models, comprising sequentially: justification technical, social, economic, environmental project and objectification of it. It also has a theoretical basis that allows knowing the advantages and disadvantages. We have developed a scenario-based methodology Wind, Solar and Water that has studied the Province, of which we obtain the necessary information to see how are you can get Renewable Energy Electric Power to provide a high degree of coupling with the demand. It also collected information on demand and energy production for several years using renewable energy sources and renewable characteristic of the Province, to thus obtain a clear picture of the electricity we must obtain in order to meet the unsatisfied demand the same that will be supported only wind Energy, thus allowing a much smaller environmental impact. This information was provided by the Utility Riobamba, Ecuador, which is responsible for electricity distribution in the province.