El cuestionario 'Características psicológicas relacionada con el rendimiento deportivo' (CPRD)un estudio con la escala de control del estrés

  1. Buceta Fernández, José María
  2. Gimeno Marco, Fernando
  3. Pérez-Llantada Auría, Carmen
  4. Ezquerro, Milagros
  5. López de la Llave Rodríguez, Andrés

ISSN: 1138-493X

Ano de publicación: 2002

Título do exemplar: Motivación y emoción en la actividad física y el deporte

Volume: 5

Número: 11-12

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: REME


The CPRD is a questionnaire elaborated by Buceta, Gimeno and Perez-Llantada in 1994; is compound of 71 ítems who groups in five factors: Control of stress, Influence of the evaluation of the performance, Motivation, Mental Ability and Team Cohesion. The content of the factor Control of Stress includes two categories of ítems: The characteristics of the answer of the sportsman (eg. Concentration, confidence, tension) in relation to the demands of the training and competition. The potentially estresantes situations that can cause stress and in whose presence the control is necessary (eg. the day previous of a competition, the moments previous to the same one and during the competition, to fail, a badly training, an injury). This factor is constituted by 20 ítems related to the self-confidence, the anxiety and the concentration of the subject in the sport competition. A high score in this scale seems to indicate that the sportsman has psychological resources to control the potential stress related to his participation in sport competitions. A study with tennis players was made with this questionnaire. It was different between impulsive and reflexives with greater or smaller control from stress and its answers before threatening situations. One of the main conclusions was that the reflective subjects with high control of stress were those that were more successful in the parties.