Cambios en las tareas y su repercusión en la satisfacción laboralun estudio en empresas de automoción

  1. Urién Angulo, M. Begoña
  2. Osca Segovia, Amparo
International Journal of Social Psychology, Revista de Psicología Social

ISSN: 0213-4748 1579-3680

Year of publication: 2001

Volume: 16

Issue: 3

Pages: 315-330

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1174/021347401317351062 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: International Journal of Social Psychology, Revista de Psicología Social

Sustainable development goals


Work groups are implemented to meet the new challenges within which companies are currently faced by increasing employees´ participation and autonomy. One of the main issues is the type of tasks that workers perform in this new group-based work structure (Goodman, 1986; Guzzo y Shea, 1992; Tannenbaum, Salas y Cannon-Bowers, 1996). This study has two aims. First, to analyse variations in the tasks operators perform. Our second objective is to check to what extent the tasks are associated with job satisfaction and job interest. Our findings confirm that work groups have resulted in changes in tasks and, in some cases, work loads. We have found a relation between some tasks (tasks with tools, continuous improvement tasks and accuracy tasks) and job satisfaction and job interest