Eficacia de un programa preventivo de problemas emocionales en adolescentes en función del rendimiento académico

  1. Olmedo, Margarita
  2. Barrio Gándara, María Victoria del
  3. Santed Germán, Miguel Angel
Acción psicológica

ISSN: 1578-908X

Year of publication: 2003

Volume: 2

Issue: 3

Pages: 213-222

Type: Article


More publications in: Acción psicológica


Children and adolescents� emotional problems had been related to school achievement in many researches. In this work, the differential efficacy of a prevention program was studied. The program was conceived to decrease the levels of anxiety and depression. The school grades in the past and present times were compared in relation to depression and anxiety levels before and after the intervention. The prevention program was applied to 121 students from 12 to 16 years old. The results show the best efficacy of the program to decrese depression symptomatology in students with previous academic problems.

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