El modelo de excelencia de la EFQM y su aplicación para la mejora de los centros educativos
- Martínez Mediano, Catalina
- Riopérez Losada, Nuria
ISSN: 1139-613X
Year of publication: 2005
Issue: 8
Pages: 35-66
Type: Article
More publications in: Educación XX1: Revista de la Facultad de Educación
The present work exposes the characteristics of the European Foundation for Qualitiy Management (EFQM) Excellence Model, and its application to educational centers. It revises the concept of quality in education and the Total Quality Principles. From their creation in 1991, the European Commission, the European Organization for Quality and the European Association for Quality Management, have promoted their use in managerial organizations, including the educational ones, to introduce the principles of TotalQuality Management. Public Administrations and private organisms, as the Spanish Confederation of Centers of Teaching, and the Club of Quality Management (CGC) and the EFQM, promote the application of the Model in the educational centers. Public Administrations supervise their application and give prizes and recognitions.
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