Sucesos vitales estresantes y trastorno de pánicorelación con el inicio del trastorno, la gravedad clínica y la agorafobia

  1. Sandín, Bonifacio
  2. Rodero, Baltasar
  3. Santed Germán, Miguel Angel
  4. García Campayo, Javier
Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica

ISSN: 1136-5420

Year of publication: 2006

Volume: 11

Issue: 3

Pages: 179-190

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/RPPC.VOL.11.NUM.3.2006.4028 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista de psicopatología y psicología clínica


The authors examined (a) the incidence and perception of life events during the year prior to the onset of panic disorder (PD), (b) whether psychosocial stress are related to clinical severity and course of PD, and (c) whether domains of life events are differentially associated with panic and agoraphobia. The Cuestionario de Sucesos Vitales [Life Events Questionnaire] (Sandin and Chorot, 1999) and the Panic Disorder Severity Scale (Shear et al., 1997) were completed by subjects with diagnosis of PD with/without agoraphobia and nonclinical subjects (controls). There were significant differences between clinical and nonclinical subjects on general perceived life stress and on health, social, work, and family domains. Although antecedent life stress was not associated with subsequent panic severity or course of the disorder after 8 weeks of cognitive-behavior therapy, the social life stress domain predicted agoraphobia. The findings are discussed in light to the relationship between life stress and PD.

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