Evaluación de la conducta agresiva

  1. Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Ángel
Acción psicológica

ISSN: 1578-908X

Datum der Publikation: 2006

Titel der Ausgabe: La agresión en diferentes contextos

Ausgabe: 4

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 67-81

Art: Artikel


Andere Publikationen in: Acción psicológica


This paper offers an overview of current aggressive measures. After some considerations about aggression assessment, the article provides information about different instruments and measures of aggression: archives, observation scales, verbal reports and projective techniques. Finally, it is also provides, some instruments for assessing violence risk and potential aggression. This overview of current aggressive measures shows two conclusions: a) the instruments more used for conducting an assessment of aggression are verbal reports (self-report or hetero-report), and b) the number of specific instruments of aggression is limited at the moment.

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