Aristóteles y la educación en la virtud

  1. Quicios García, María del Pilar
Acción Pedagógica

ISSN: 1315-401X

Year of publication: 2002

Volume: 11

Issue: 2

Pages: 14-21

Type: Article

More publications in: Acción Pedagógica


ARISTOTLE AND THE EDUCATION IN THE VIRTUE We are faced with a research mainly of historicaleducational nature. The aim of this paper is to know the Aristotle�s philosophical ideas about virtue and its process of acquisition or process of educationlearning. In order to carry out this research, we have studied thorough the works in which this philosopher exposed his philosophical-pedagogical ideas, nmely, Nicomachean Ethics, Magna Mora-lia, Laws, Eudemian Ethics, and Politics. In conclusion, we had stated how Aristotle, well-balanced and encyclopaedic men considers that is through education how the perfect development of man and society is obtained. To reach this optimisation of the man -social animal- he turns to the concept of �mesótes� or tó meson� a typical Greek considerations. That is to say, the man who hopes to right environment must move away of what more separate this one from him. That is, would be convenient to correct what result far away from the point of balance.