Del focus group al grupo metacomunicativo: en busca de prácticas para la observación empírica de las nuevas formas de comunicación mediada

  1. Callejo Gallego, Javier
  2. Gutiérrez Brito, Jesús
Investigar la Comunicación hoy. Revisión de políticas científicas y aportaciones metodológicas: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación
  1. Vicente Mariño, Miguel (coord.)
  2. González Hortigüela, Tecla (coord.)
  3. Pacheco Rueda, Marta (coord.)

Publisher: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Juridicas y de la Comunicación ; Universidad de Valladolid

ISBN: 978-84-616-4124-6

Year of publication: 2013

Volume Title: Comunicaciones 4

Volume: 4

Pages: 857-870

Congress: Simposio Internacional sobre Política Científica en Comunicación (1. 2013. null)

Type: Conference paper


From focus group to metacommunicative group: in search of empirical observation techniques of the new forms of mediated communication This works comes from the consciousness of important limitations of standardized social research techniques. Especially when these techniques are faced with communication processes that take place in the new media. The group metacommunicative was born of reflection on the methodological limitations in a particular study, in a concrete situation. The object of the research was the study of what young people and teenagers do in social media, as Facebook, Tuenti or Twitter. A profile of the population and a media category with significant resistance to be observed. This presentation shows the characteristics of the practice and its immediate background on, for comparison with similar research practices. Finally, raises its advantages and limitations.