El quehacer lexicográfico de Antonio de Nebrija diferenciado en el "Lexicon" y en el "Vocabulario"

  1. García-Macho Alonso de Santamaría, María Lourdes
Estudis romànics

ISSN: 0211-8572

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakia: 32

Orrialdeak: 29-50

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Estudis romànics


In this paper I study the different approach of Antonio de Nebrija to the Diccionario latino-español (Latin-Spanish Dictionary) and the Vocabulario español-latino (Spanish- Latin Vocabulary). For this purpose, I have adopted different strategies, such as analysis of the synonyms in both dictionaries, the organization of the formation of diminutives in Castilian in each of these works, the metalanguage used in the Lexicon and the Vocabulario in the same entries, etc. In view of the discrepancies between the two wordlists, it seems reasonable to conclude that the grammarian from Salamanca probably worked on them simultaneously and split the entries between them. I believe that Nebrija introduced minor variations and some innovations into each of them according to the different perspective that each of them represents.