Variables psicosociales y riesgo de violencia grave en parejas con abuso de sustancias tóxicas y maltrato previo

  1. Amor Andrés, Pedro Javier
  2. Bohórquez, Isaura A.
  3. Corral Gargallo, Paz de
  4. Oria Mundín, Juan Carlos
Acción psicológica
  1. Amor Andrés, Pedro Javier (coord.)

ISSN: 1578-908X

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: Violencia dentro de las relaciones de pareja

Volume: 9

Issue: 1

Pages: 3-17

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5944/AP.9.1.204 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_opene-spacio editor

More publications in: Acción psicológica


The aim of this ex post facto study was to investigate what variables are related to severe intimate partner violence (IPV), in a sample of 90 couples attending a community treatment program for drug abusers. Multiple variables were analyzed: Sociodemographic characteristics, couple's relationship, maltreatment circumstances, some characteristics of aggressors and victims, as well as sexual, physical or psychological abuses and type of substance abuse. Results showed high scores in the severe IPV risk prediction scale. The victims were classified as high-risk (26%), moderate-risk (59%) and lowrisk (15%), depending on the cutoff scores in the revised scale. The variables more related to risk severe violence of IPV were: Couples in which both use drugs or both heavy drinking of alcohol, heroin abuse by the perpetrator, presence of sexual abuse, lack of social and family support and less economic autonomy from the victims, and others characteristics of the aggressor (ie., harassment behaviors, violates a restraining order) and maltreatment circumstances. The variables identified could be useful in predicting the risk of lethal or severe violence in relationships where one or both members have problems with drugs.

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