El seminario conciliar en las relaciones Iglesia-Estado en España desde Trento al Concilio Vaticano II

  1. Vergara Ciordia, Javier
  2. Comella Gutiérrez, Beatriz
Revista de estudios extremeños

ISSN: 0210-2854

Año de publicación: 2014

Volumen: 70

Número: 1

Páginas: 553-596

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Revista de estudios extremeños


This paper analyzes the institutional evolution of the diocesan seminaries from 1563-1965 in Spain. The paper has four parts. The first part examines why the diocesan seminary had a very slow development: economic problems and universities were the problem. The second part analyzes the important development of the diocesan seminary, in the eighteenth century, for the support of the monarchy of the Bourbons. The third part studies the problems of the seminar, in the nineteenth century, the cause was the political influence of liberalism. Finally, we analyze its evolution in the twentieth century, with particular emphasis on the support of the Popes and the differences between the seminar before and after the Civil War.

Referencias bibliográficas

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