Application of "Solvency II from EU Directive" for spanish life insurance industry

  1. Hernández Solís, Montserrat
  2. Herrador Alcaide, Teresa Carmen
Anales del Instituto de Actuarios Españoles

ISSN: 0534-3232

Argitalpen urtea: 2014

Zenbakia: 20

Orrialdeak: 1-16

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Anales del Instituto de Actuarios Españoles


One of the most important targets in the insurance business is the determination of their risk. The importance of this is supported by the EU directive called Solvency II. In this directive the estimation of the insolvency risk is regulated and also the resource requirements and required solvency levels for these companies. Because of their social impact this risk is a major concern in the current financial system. For everyone, in this study is analyzed the solvency of institutions through different accounting relationships in a sample of more than 400 Spanish insurance companies by the correlation (coefficient r). Furthermore we also analyze the existence of a sustained trend of such correlations in the period (2008-2011). For this we used data available in the System of Iberian Balance Analysis (SABI).

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