Coping strategies as mediator variables between explanatory styles and depressive symptoms

  1. Sanjuán Suárez, Pilar
  2. Magallares Sanjuán, Alejandro
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 31

Issue: 2

Pages: 447-451

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de psicología


The main goal of this study was to analyze the relationships among explanatory styles, coping strategies and depressive symptoms. Path analyses conducted with data of 234 individuals showed that Negative Ex-planatory Style (tendency to explain negative outcomes through internal, stable, and global causes) had both a positive direct effect on depressive symptoms, and an indirect effect on them through the use of avoidant strategies. On the contrary, Enhancing Explanatory Style (tendency to ex-plain positive outcomes through internal, stable, and global causes) had negative direct and indirect effects on these symptoms, but in this case, the indirect effect occurs through the use of problem solving and positive cog-nitive restructuring coping and the non-use of avoidant strategies. As a whole, the results suggest that to prevent the onset of depressive symp-toms or to reduce them once they appear, enhancing explanatory style and problem solving and positive cognitive restructuring strategies should be promoted

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