El mercado de trabajo y las políticas de cohesión social en españa

  1. José Antonio Díaz 1
  2. Teodoro Hernández de Frutos 2
  1. 1 UNED (España)
  2. 2 Universidad Pública de Navarra (España)
Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 0210-0223

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Nummer: 239

Seiten: 31-44

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales


Spain has experienced one of the severest economic crises since the 70s. Since 2008, the international financial crisis in our country has had devastating effects on the Welfare State, especially as regards the labor market and social rights. The labor market has undergone a process of deregulation of labor relations, promoting flexibility in employment. The consequences of this process have been the creation of more precarious employment, the vulnerability of workers and the deepening of social fragmentation; that is, it has created a more flexible market, while failing to consolidate the social security system. In this situation, the expansion of welfare policies of social inclusion would have been necessary. However, by contrast, austerity measures and budget balance have predominated in the model adopted to overcome the crisis. This article analyzes the process of reconfiguration of the labor market since the 80s, which has weakened worker’s rights, and the creation of an incipient Welfare State, that even experienced a weakening as a result of economic austerity measures to overcome the current crisis.

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